Solar Panels: A Smart Investment for Your Home & Your Planet

The adoption of residential solar panels is on the rise, with more and more Australian households reaping the benefits of solar energy. Residential solar panels are one of the most common forms of renewable energy, which means that you do your part to help abate the climate crisis, while simultaneously saving yourself money on energy bills. If you’d like to find out exactly how solar power benefits both the environment and your wallet, check out the Total Solar home page, or scroll down to learn more.

The Benefits of Residential Solar Panels

A residential solar system can provide your household with numerous benefits; if you’re still on the fence about solar, you can consider the following advantages…

Solar Power is a Renewable Energy Source: Solar energy is harnessed directly from the Earth’s sun, thus providing a limitless and sustainable source of power for your home.

Solar Power Reduces Energy bills: By generating your own electricity, you can significantly lower your monthly energy expenses and rely less on the grid.

Solar Systems Store Surplus Power: Excess energy produced by your solar panels can be stored in batteries for later use, ensuring you have power even when the sun isn’t shining.

Solar Systems Are Low Maintenance: Not only are solar panels durable, they require minimal maintenance, thus reducing the need for frequent repairs.

Solar Systems Increases Property Value: Installing solar panels can enhance the value of your home, making it more attractive to potential buyers, especially if it’s been expertly installed.

More Affordable Installation with the Right Installer: Partnering with Total Solar Solutions ensures you receive expert guidance and high-quality solar installations for optimal energy savings. You can request a free quote here.

How Can You Save Money Through a Home Solar System?

  • Get Solar Panels: By harnessing the free and renewable energy provided from the sun, your electricity bills will be reduced
  • Research Rebates: Some households can save even more money on installation, by taking advantage of government rebates and incentives designed to promote renewable energy adoption. You can read more about how the federal and Victorian state governments are offering solar rebates and incentives to eligible Aussie households here.
  • Maximise the Daylight: Once your solar panels are installed, you can save even more money by being conscious of what time of the day you’re using the most energy. As solar panels generate electricity during sunlight hours, it’s smart to use major appliances such as washing machines, air conditioners, pool pumps or dishwashers during the day rather than the evening so you can maximise direct solar energy use.
  • Switch to Energy-Saving Lights: Use LED lights or other energy-efficient bulbs in the evenings to reduce overall energy consumption.
  • Upgrade to Energy-Efficient Appliances: Replace old, power-hungry appliances like refrigerators with modern, energy-efficient models to reduce electricity usage.

The Four Steps to Solar Installation

While solar installation is a straightforward process, there are still four key factors you could consider before jumping in…

Step One: Find Out If Your Home is Suitable for Solar

Solar energy is a viable energy solution throughout most of Australia, but it performs optimally under certain conditions, such as the following:

  • Roof Orientation & Sunlight Exposure: Determine the direction your roof faces. North-facing solar panels capture the most sunlight in winter, however some houses are more suited to east/west facing panels
  • Shade: Ensure there are no trees, power lines, or other structures casting shade on your roof.
  • Council Permission: It’s always wise to check with your local council to so if there are any necessary approvals needed for your solar installation.

Step Two: Assess What Equipment You Need

The inner workings of a solar power system can be intricate, but the most consistent components are the panels, the inverter, and the storage battery. Other common components are the monitoring system and the mounting rack.

  • The Panels: The number of panels you need depends on your energy consumption. If you plan on adding a battery or purchasing an electric vehicle in the future, consider installing a larger solar panel system now. It’s generally easier and more cost-effective to install a larger system upfront than to expand it later.
  • The Inverter: Solar panels convert sunlight into direct current (DC) electricity, while your home requires alternating current (AC) electricity. The inverter transforms DC into AC, making the energy suitable for household use.
  • The Storage Battery: Storage batteries have become an increasingly popular option for storing excess energy that homeowners can resource later when they need it. If you plan to install a battery in the future, make sure your solar PV system is battery ready.
  • The Monitoring System (an app): Monitoring systems are highly recommended if you want up-to-date reports on your system, as they are extremely useful for tracking power generation and diagnosing issues.
  • The Mounting/Racking System: Simply put, this is used to attach the panels to the roof. While essential, most racking systems are similar and shouldn’t significantly impact the overall cost.

Step Three: Assess the Cost of Solar Power Cost

A perhaps obvious but nonetheless important step is weighing up the cost of installation against the return. If your household’s energy bills are costing you hundreds of dollars (or more) per quarter, then it’s strongly advised that you consider the switch to solar, especially as the climate crisis and the cost-of-living crisis are both projected to worsen.

Step Four: Choose an Experienced Solar Installer

Solar energy for homes is a specialised section of the electrical industry. As such, it’s extremely important that you go with a trusted installer. Total Solar Solutions have over a decade of experience advising customers on both solar panels for homes as well as commercial properties. We also specialise in EV charging, hot water heat pumps, hydronic heating, air conditioning, and general electrical work.
We are also an approved installer for the Solar Victoria programme and the Federal Government Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme (SRES). Households and small businesses across Victoria may qualify for financial incentives to assist with the purchase cost of installing small-scale renewable energy systems. If you’re interested in getting a solar power system in Melbourne for a residential property, or seeing if you’re eligible for a government rebate, head over to the Total Solar Solutions website.

Total Solar Solutions Residential Solar Panels: Key Features

  • High Power: Our residential solar panels offer high power output, efficiently converting sunlight into significant amounts of electricity for your home.
  • High Performance: A Total Solar Solutions solar system will deliver exceptional performance, ensuring consistent and reliable energy production even in varying weather conditions.
  • Premium Aesthetics: Designed with a sleek and modern look, our solar panels enhance the visual appeal of your home while generating clean energy.

What is the best solar system for my home?

The beauty of solar power lies in its ability to be customised to meet your specific needs. By evaluating your roof design, electricity usage, and expectations, we can recommend the best suited system to maximise your returns. Choosing the right residential solar battery can sometimes be challenging, as there’s multiple factors that need to be considered. As each home is unique, selecting the right system is not a one-size-fits-all solution.

At Total Solar Solutions, we offer an open and transparent assessment of your home while also listening to your own personal needs and expectations so that we can tailor the best solar panel solution for your specific home or business. We’re a family-owned company that have been trusted by the local community for over 10 years and our goal is to be known for quality products and immaculate installations. You can learn more about our residential solar power systems here and winaico solar systems for home.
Head over to our home page to get a free quote.