Choosing the Right Commercial Solar System: Considerations and Best Practices

Key Considerations & Best Practices For Commercial Solar Power Energy Systems

Are you considering commercial solar installations for your premises? Solar for business can do wonders for the environment, as well as your company’s profit margins. Solar panels for commercial buildings significantly reduce a business’s energy costs, providing substantial savings on electricity bills. Commercial solar power systems can also protect your company against supply disruptions as well as the soaring energy prices that are all too common in this cost of living crisis. Solar for a commercial property can improve your company’s corporate image by demonstrating a commitment to environmentally friendly practices.

When choosing your commercial solar system, it’s advised to consider these key considerations and best practices…

  • Energy Requirements and Consumption Patterns: Always evaluate your business’s current and projected energy consumption to determine the appropriate size and capacity of the solar system needed. Consider the location and availability of sunlight to maximise energy generation.
  • Roof Suitability and Space Availability: It’s always wise to assess the suitability of your roof or available land for solar panel installation. Variables such as shading, structural integrity, and available space will impact the design and efficiency of the solar system.
  • Technology and Solar Panel Quality: Always select reputable solar suppliers who are known for quality and reliability, to ensure long-term performance and durability of your solar panels. You can get a free quote from Total Solar Solutions for your commercial solar installation here.
  • Ongoing Maintenance: A commercial solar system typically requires very little maintenance, but it will still need minor routine inspections to ensure that it continues to perform at an optimal level. It’s good practice to schedule routine cleanings to remove dust, leaves, animal excrement, and anything else that can reduce the system’s efficiency.
  • Inverter Selection: In order to ensure compatibility and efficient energy conversion, it’s always wise to choose inverters that can match the capacity and specifications of your solar panels.
  • Battery Storage: Incorporate a solar battery storage solution to store excess energy for use during times when the panels are not generating electricity, such as at night or on cloudy days, thereby maximising the system’s value.
  • Installation Timeline & Process: It’s good practice to know the process so you can accurately plan around the installation. Generally speaking, installing a commercial solar panel system involves initial consultation and feasibility assessment, followed by design, planning, obtaining permits, actual installation, and final inspection and commissioning.
  • Local Regulations, ROI, and Incentives: Always ensure that your installation is in compliance with any relevant building regulations, and don’t forget to take advantage of incentives like solar rebate programs to maximise financial benefits and return on investment (ROI) from your solar installation. If you’re considering commercial solar power in Melbourne, you can scroll down to learn more, or learn more about solar rebates on the Total Solar website.

Other Considerations To Keep In Mind

When considering solar systems, there are two primary options to consider; Grid-Tiered Systems, and Off-Grid Systems. Each one offers its own distinct advantages:

Grid-Tied Systems: These systems connect directly to the electricity grid, allowing for the seamless exchange of energy. They are typically easier to install and more cost-effective due to their reliance on existing infrastructure and the ability to sell excess electricity back to the grid.

Off-Grid Systems: Conversely, off-grid systems operate independently from the grid, relying on battery storage to store excess energy for use during periods without sunlight. While they are more complex and (initially) more expensive, off-grid systems provide you with a far greater energy autonomy, making them essential for remote locations or areas with unreliable grid access. The choice between these systems hinges on factors such as location-specific energy needs and financial considerations.

Types of Solar Panel Systems

Commercial solar PV (photovoltaic) systems come in various design types:

  • Monocrystalline Solar Panels: These panels are highly efficient, made from a single crystal structure, making them ideal for maximising space-constrained installations with higher power output.
  • Polycrystalline Solar Panels: Less efficient than monocrystalline panels but more cost-effective, these panels are made from multiple crystal structures and offer good performance in diverse environmental conditions.
  • Thin-Film Solar Panels: These panels are the least efficient but are lightweight, flexible, and can be integrated into various surfaces, making them suitable for unconventional settings or where space is not a constraint.

Choosing the right system depends on factors such as space availability, budget, and specific energy needs, ensuring optimal performance and cost-effectiveness for your commercial solar installation. You can consult with a professional today to explore each option and determine the most suitable choice for your business requirements or commercial property.

What Are the Advantages of Installing a Commercial Solar System?

Installing a quality commercial solar panels can provide your business with a score of benefits, including:

  • Cost Savings/Return on Investment: Installing a commercial solar system can significantly reduce electricity bills, leading to substantial cost savings for businesses in Victoria. The initial investment is often offset by long-term savings on energy expenses. Additionally, government incentives and rebates (which are abundant in Victoria) can enhance the financial benefits. Over time, the system typically pays for itself, providing a strong return on investment. Choosing a reputable solar installer is essential, as they can help optimise energy production.
  • Energy Independence: Solar power allows businesses to become more energy-independent, reducing reliance on the grid and mitigating the impact of rising energy costs and supply disruptions. This energy autonomy can provide greater control over operational expenses. It also offers protection against energy price volatility. Increased energy security is especially valuable for critical business operations.
  • Environmental Sustainability/Promotion of Clean Energy: By switching to solar energy, businesses contribute to environmental sustainability and promote clean energy solutions. Reducing dependence on fossil fuels helps decrease greenhouse gas emissions, which is vital for combating climate change. Demonstrating a commitment to sustainable practices can also meet regulatory requirements. This transition supports global efforts to create a greener future.
  • Enhanced Corporate Image: Adopting solar power enhances a company’s corporate image by showcasing a commitment to sustainability and corporate social responsibility, which is perhaps more important than ever given the extreme climate crisis. A proactive approach to eco-friendly practices can attract climate-conscious customers, partners, and investors. A strong reputation for environmental stewardship can lead to increased brand loyalty and market share.
  • Long-Term Benefits and Future-Proofing: Investing in solar energy provides long-term benefits, including stabilised energy costs and protection against regulatory changes and potential increases in energy prices. Solar systems typically have low maintenance costs and long lifespans. As energy policies evolve, having a solar system in place ensures compliance with future regulations. This proactive investment strategy helps secure the business’s energy future.

The Importance of Choosing the Right Solar Supplier

Choosing a reputable installer is an extremely important step in your solar journey. At Total Solar Solutions, we use only the highest quality products available in Australia, and our installations are always completed by our in-house team of licensed electricians. We’ve been installing commercial solar systems in Melbourne and beyond since 2012, and we are a New Energy Tech Approved Seller and a Registered Electrical Contractor. Besides quality workmanship and Australian-based customer support, Total Solar Solutions can also provide you with:

  • Environmentally-Friendly High-Quality Systems: We provide top-tier solar systems designed for environmental sustainability and high performance. At Total Solar Solutions Australia, we prioritise using high-quality solar panels and inverters. All our products are listed on the Clean Energy Council’s approved products list and are designed to withstand Australian conditions.
  • Personalised Payment Structure: Total Solar Solutions Australia offers flexible payment options, including credit financing, payment plans, and commercial loans. We like to actively and openly work with a business to create a tailored payment structure that enables you to install and implement your solar system while staying within your budget.
  • Other Products and Services: In addition to commercial solar systems, Total Solar Solutions offers high-quality commercial battery storage, residential solar systems, and electric vehicle charging solutions. You can browse our full range of products and services here.
  • Warranty & Support: For detailed information about our warranty and support services, please consult with us directly by calling us on 03 9729 0894, or emailing us at [email protected].

So if you’re ready to get premium solar installation from a top commercial solar company, Total Solar Solutions – head over to our website to get a free quote today!