Total Solar Solutions Chosen as Industry Representative on Vic Solar Homes

We are very proud to announce that Christine Kennedy from Total Solar Solutions has been chosen as industry representative for Solar Victoria’s Industry and Consumer Reference Group (ICRG).

The ICRG is part of a package of measures to boost the 10-year Solar Homes program and meet the rising demand for solar systems in the state. Under the $1.3 billion Solar Homes program, 770,000 households in Victoria are expected to get rooftop solar systems, solar batteries and solar hot water systems over a period of 10 years.

The ICRG will be working closely with Solar Victoria throughout the program period, providing ongoing advice to Solar Victoria as well as the Victorian Government on a range of matters, including:

  • Safety and quality matters, including associated standards
  • Consumer protections and customer experiences
  • Technology requirements
  • Future grid requirements
  • Skills and workforce development
  • Product stewardship

The ICRG has representatives from the Clean Energy Council, Smart Energy Council, Electrical Trades Union, Consumer Action Law Centre, National Electrical & Communication Association, and Energy Networks Australia.

Organisation representatives were also selected from a range of small, medium and large solar businesses in Melbourne and regional Victoria to be a part of the ICRG.

As a business owner and wife to an installer, Christine has a broad understanding of the day to day challenges of the Victorian Solar Industry. She has been the General Manager at Total Solar Solutions since 2016, and comes from a background in operations management, project management, and marketing.

Christine is also a founding member of Australian Women in Solar Energy, and she is highly committed to safety, workmanship, quality and accountability in the solar industry.

Enthusiastic about contributing to the community, Christine is looking forward to her role in the ICRG, to help create positive dialogue between key government stakeholders, solar retailers and solar panel installers.